صناعة الطائرات دون طيار التركية

سُئل رئيس رئاسة الصناعات الدفاعية SSB إسماعيل دمير: هل إصدارات طائرات Aksungur و Akıncı والطائرات المسيّرة الأخرى لها ميزات مختلفة؟ فأجاب إنه قد تختلف الميزات والشروط والطلبات وما إلى ذلك حسب الظروف، وإنهم يقومون بالتصدير برأي "وزارة الخارجية وموافقة وزارة الدفاع التركية".

كما سُل عن هل يمكن مهاجمة تركيا بالطائرات المسيرة المباعة؟ فأجاب لا ينبغي لأحد أن يقلق، فتركيا تعلم جيدًا ما تفعله.

I have no personal problems with anyone, my honorable brother, and I did not mean to offend anyone.. I asked for clarification and information about a general allegation that was repeated in a formula as if it was an unquestionable reality without any evidence being formulated.. I asked maybe there is information or a clear answer… The answer was copy and paste. For an analytical political article and not a specialized technical.. It did not contain any detailed information that could be taken about an Israeli contribution to any Turkish defense program... In addition to the claim that Israel is behind Turkey's defense industry.. This term and others were used in the context of the media war that it adopted Arab regimes and their electronic committees during periods of conflict with Turkey .. Although it is a propaganda term that has no real value, some have been repeating it and considering it a reality .. And trying in various ways to find anything that turns it from propaganda into reality
Also, there are some Moroccan brothers trying to justify the great development of relations between them and Israel by saying that this is a way to develop a defense industry like Turkey... This is a great delusion and a failure to read the history of the Turkish industry.. The truth is exactly the opposite.. Israel and the Mossad were behind many assassinations of engineers. In Aselsan, Tupitak and others inside and outside Turkey..and Israel did not and will not transfer technology to anyone..it did not even transfer technology to its closest European allies, and it still rents and sells its marches to them..
How can technology be transferred to Muslim-majority countries?!

For example, nobody in this forum knows the name of Mehmet Mert Bayraktar. After BAYKAR developed the first unmanned aerial vehicle technology, it was first tried to be bought by the Jews. After the Bayraktar family rejected the offer, Mehmet Mert Bayraktar, who worked as an accountant in BAYKAR and was the son of Selcuk Bayraktar's uncle, was killed in his home by having his throat cut. After this murder, Erdogan took the Bayraktar family under protection and things went so far as to establish kinship bonds.