الطوربيد الثقيل ــ أكيا AKYA

عــمــر الـمـخــتــار

رئاسة الأركان العامة للجيش الليبي
عضو قيادي
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
1441/5/26 - 2020/1/21

أكـيا AKYA هو طوربيد ثقيل، صُمم ليتم إطلاقه على كل من الأهداف السطحية وتحت السطحية (الغواصات). تم توقيع اتفاقية التصنيع في مايو 2009 بين قيادة مركز أبحاث القوات البحرية وكل من (TUBITAK و Meteksan Defense و Koç Information and Defense Technologis )، وذلك بتنسيق من مديرية صناعة الدفاع (SSB) بناءً على طلب القوات البحرية.

ــ جرى تجربة إطلاقه بنجاح بدون رأس حربي في يوليو 2013 في بحر مرمرة.

طوربيد بحري ثقيل
Heavy marine torpedo


في 20 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) 2019، تم إجراء اختبار إطلاق جديد من منصة عائمة بعمق 40 مترا ضمن برنامج AKYA لتطوير الطوربيدات الثقيلة بتنسيق من رئاسة صناعة الدفاع (SSB)، وذلك بمشاركة العديد من الشركات في مقدمتها المقاول الرئيسي Roketsan. ووفقًا للخطة الاستراتيجية 2017-2021 التي نشرتها SSB في فبراير 2017، سيتم الانتهاء من تأهيل أنشطة النظام الفرعي الحرج في برنامج طوربيد AKYA في غضون عامين، 50% في عام 2020 و 50% في عام 2021، وبالتالي القضاء على الاعتماد على الخارج في النظم الفرعية الحرجة.


من المقرر استخدام طوربيد AKYA كأول بديل للطوربيدات الثقيلة (Mk14, Mk23, Mk37 Mod 2, Mk37 Mod 3, SST-4 Mod 0, Mk24 Mod 2 TigerFish) والتي هي موجودة حاليا في مخزون القوات البحرية التركية. وسيتم تجهيز هذا الطوربيد برأس حربي مصمم لكي ينفجر على بعد أمتار قليلة من السفينة المستهدفة وعلى عمق معين ــ بدلاً من ضرب بدن السفينة مباشرة- وسيقسم بدنها إلى قسمين؛ بسبب تأثير الضغط العالي الذي يُخلفه.


صورة نموذجية

نظام الرؤوس الحربية والإرشادية التي سيتم استخدامها في طوربيد AKYA ستكون من إنتاج Roketsan، ومجموعة المحولات (الوحدات البحرية في السونار) ستكون من إنتاج Meteksan Defense. لقد تم تطوير النماذج الصوتية تحت الماء ومولدات الإشارات الصوتية للتحقق من الأنظمة والبرامج التي سيتم تطويرها في إطار هذا البرنامج من قبل Koç Information and Defense Technologies.


مـن الـمــواصــــفـات الـفـنـــيـة:

ــ الطول: 7 أمتار

ــ القطر: 533 ملم

ــ الوزن: 1.2 طن

ــ نظام الدفع: كهربائي

ــ البطارية: تشير التقديرات إلى أنه يتم استخدام بطاريات نوع Silver Oxide-Zinc

ــ المدى: 15 كم

ــ السرعة القصوى: 40 ميل بحري/س

ــ نظام الدفع: اثنان من المراوح تدور في الاتجاه المعاكس في محور واحد

ــ الإرشادات: أطلق وانسَ، سونار صوتي نشط / سلبي

ــ وزن الرأس الحربي: من المتوقع أن يكون بين 350-380 كجم

ــ الهدف: ثنائي الغرض (سطحية/تحت سطحية)


صورة رسومية تبين حجم طوربيد أكيا مقارنة بصاروخ سوم وأتماكا

بعد دراسات التصنيع، من المقرر أن يكون الطوربيد جاهزا للإنتاج بالجملة في نهاية عام 2020، ومن المتوقع أن يتم تشغيله بعد اختباره في غواصات بروزة/ بريفيزا Preveza التي انضمت إلى القوات البحرية التركية بين عامي 1994 و 1999، وسيتم دمج نظام الإدارة القتالية المتكاملة تحت الماء (MÜREN SYS).


يوم الخميس الماضي الموافق 16 يناير، أعلن الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان في كلمته التي ألقاها في "اجتماع التقييم لعام 2019" أن اختبارات الرماية للطوربيد AKYA قد اكتملت بنجاح. هناك عدد قليل جدًا من الدول في العالم يمكنها تطوير وتصنيع طوربيد خاص بها ودمجه في الغواصات، ويعتبر وجود أنواع مختلفة من الطوربيدات التي تنتجها بلدان مختلفة في غواصة واحدة عاملاً يزيد من قوة الردع.

ــ ملاحظة: بعض الصور ليست للطوربيد AKYA وإنما مجرد صور تعبيرية


سرعته كبيرة و الرأس المدمر ثقيل وبالتأكيد توجيهه سيكون متطور ان شاء الله ولكن المدى 15 كيلو متر فقط يحتاج الى تطوير اكثر وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله ...

خطوات تصنيعية رائعة لتركيا تتيح لها الاستقلالية والقوة فى آن معاً ( مشروعات تصنيع صواريخ وذخائر موجهة جو/جو و جو/ارض و ارض/جو وصواريخ بحرية وطوربيدات) .


تم عرض طوربيد AKYA الثقيل، أثناء حفل افتتاح منشأة ROKETSAN لإنتاج المواد الخام المتفجرة بمشاركة الرئيس أردوغان.



Torpedo Studies and Turkey

The number of countries that can design, develop, and manufacture torpedoes can be counted on the fingers of both hands: The United States (USA), Germany, China, France, South Korea, India, UK, Sweden, Italy, Japan, and Russia. Several countries, including Turkey, are trying to enter this ‘elite’ group with their indigenous projects that they have started to develop domestic heavy and lightweight torpedo systems.

Turkey took its first step in the heavyweight torpedo field with the AKYA National Heavyweight Torpedo Development Program, which was signed on May 8, 2009, with several domestic companies’ participation under the coordination of the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) and the Main Contractor Roketsan. The first launch test of the 533mm AKYA HWT without the warhead and active/passive acoustic sonar sensor was carried out successfully in the Sea of Marmara on July 11, 2013, with the support of the Turkish Naval Research Center Command (TNRCC/ARMERKOM). Under the AKYA National Heavyweight Torpedo Program, Roketsan will develop the warhead and guidance system, Meteksan Defence will develop the sonar transducer arrays (sonar wet end), and Koç Information and Defence Technologies (KBS) will develop the Wake Sensors, Torpedo Test Range Underwater Detection and Positioning System, Acoustic Signal Generators, and the Underwater Acoustic Models (to verify the systems and software to be developed under the program).

The AKYA Phase-2 Project was signed between the SSB and Roketsan in July 2016 to industrialize the AKYA National HWT prototype (controlled test torpedo) and make it ready for serial production by developing its critical sub-systems in line with the capabilities of the sector companies. The last publicized launch test with the AKYA HWT, qualification process of which is still ongoing, was carried out on December 20, 2019. During the trial, the AKYA HWT was equipped with a live active/passive acoustic sonar for the first time and launched from a detailed 533mm torpedo tube replica installed to an underwater test platform at a depth of 40m with ‘swim out’ launch mode. During the International Store Certification Tests Symposium held on November 4, 2019, TÜBİTAK SAGE introduced a detailed replica of 533mm diameter torpedo tube, which is entirely similar to an authentic 533mm diameter torpedo tube and capable of firing both cruise missiles (ATMACA B1/B2 and GEZGİN), and heavyweight torpedoes (AKYA) from underwater.

Aside from the AKYA National Heavyweight Torpedo Program, development studies are also carried out on Lightweight Torpedoes in Turkey. Thanks to its infrastructure and experience from the Anti-Torpedo Torpedo (TORK) Project, which was initiated in 2014 with the support of TÜBİTAK TEYDEB 1501, Aselsan also started to develop a prototype Lightweight Torpedo that can be used against submarines and other underwater targets. Aselsan introduced the first mock-up of the National Lightweight Torpedo ORKA, which the company developed with its own resources, during IDEF ‘17 Fair.

Aselsan TORK is an anti-torpedo torpedo developed to destroy acoustic homing, wire-guided, non-wire guided, and wake homing torpedoes launched against surface ships and submarines. TORK can precisely locate the incoming torpedo threat with its sonar seeker. TORK moves towards the threat torpedo by measuring the distance from it and explodes at an appropriate range using advanced interception algorithms. According to Aselsan TORK has a diameter of <30cm, a length of <3m, and weighs <200kg.

The first performance tests carried out in the maritime environment with the passive acoustic seeker equipped TORK system were completed in early September 2018. Within the tests’ scope, TORK successfully identified the surface targets with its sonar seeker and moved towards the threats with its own guidance. Thus, the Development Process, which constitutes the first phase in the TORK Anti-Torpedo Torpedo Project with Hard Kill capability, was completed in the last quarter of 2018. In this context, the first guidance tests were carried out with TORK, and the Aselsan product passive seeker in the torpedo performed successfully. The second phase of the project aims to turn TORK into a Training Torpedo. In the meantime, localization studies on TORK continued and within this scope, for example, the Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) Battery (a special battery with 100 amps current draw capacity is designed), Phased Array Sonar, Dry-End & Wet-Ends, Control Surface Motors, and the electric propeller were localized. The previous COTS (Commercial off-the-shelf) type Li-Ion Battery of the TORK was replaced with a domestic Li-Ion battery produced by Aspilsan. The Li-Ion Battery and Battery Management System developed in cooperation with Aselsan-Aspilsan will be tested on TORK in the second phase. An active seeker will also be developed in the second phase. In the third phase of the project, TORK will be finalized and produced with the warhead and war battery. According to the current calendar, a test torpedo prototype with an active seeker and training warhead will be produced and prepared in the next three years. In the second phase of the project, the TORK’s diameter will be increased to the standard lightweight torpedo diameter of 32.4cm (324mm). Since the volume of TORK has grown, its body length will be shortened. Thus, TORK will be able to be launched from the Mk-32 lightweight torpedo launchers that are currently used onboard the warships. In the first phase, TORK is aimed to be used integrated with HIZIR Torpedo Countermeasure System (TCMS) to protect surface platforms against torpedo threats. In the future, the submarine-launched version of TORK will also be developed. Currently, the Seeker (Aselsan is also developing training Warhead), Battery (Aspilsan), Control Surface Motors of the Propulsion and Steering System at the tail section, and the propellers (Aselsan) used in the TORK are domestic products. TORK is electrically propelled. The propellers and the subsystems receive the power they need to operate from a Li-Ion Battery in the torpedo. The energy generated by the battery is distributed to the control surface motors and the main propellers via the Power Distribution System. TORK was designed to detonate at proximity of incoming hostile torpedoes and neutralize the threats with the pressure effect it creates. Therefore, TORK does not need to hit the hostile torpedo threat physically.

The working principle, dimensions, and subcomponents of the TORK System have similar characteristics to Light Torpedoes. Some of the most critical subsystems of TORK (engine, steering, guidance, and control systems) is designed to be used in the Lightweight Torpedo without any modification. The National Lightweight Torpedo, which is aimed to have similar capabilities to the Mk46 and Mk54 Lightweight Torpedoes in the Turkish Navy inventory, is developed to be launched from existing torpedo tubes on the naval warships, ASW Helicopters and Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA). According to Aselsan Torpedo and Torpedo Countermeasure Systems Road Map, dual configuration lightweight torpedo tube will be ready in 2022, TORK Training Version in 2023, Medium Class AUV & ORKA LWT in 2023-2025, TORK Live (Combat) Version in 2025, Miniature Torpedo in 2027, and the Smart Super-Cavity Torpedo will be available in 2030.

Head of Aselsan Naval Systems Group, Behçet KARATAŞ, who made a presentation titled ‘ASELSAN Combat System Solutions for Naval Platforms and the Vision’ at the 9th Naval Systems Seminar held on October 14-15, 2019 in Ankara, shared the following information about these projects: “We are planning to complete the Torpedo Tube development in 2022. The studies on low-frequency active sonar are already continuing with the SSB R&D Department, and we plan to complete it in 2023. We are planning to complete the development of TORK's Training Version by 2023. The Medium Class Autonomous Vehicle is also expected to be completed between 2023-2025. We also plan to introduce our own Lightweight Torpedo, which we call ORKA, before 2025. We continue our works on Submarine Towed-Array Sonar, combat version of TORK, Miniature Torpedo, and later Smart Super-Cavity Torpedoes...”

In the meantime, within the scope of the New Generation National Torpedo Technologies Development Studies, TÜBİTAK Defense and Security Technologies Research Grant Committee (SAVTAG) issued a wide-area call for Torpedo Batteries (T-BAT) in July 2019 under the 1007 Program. The scope of the call aims to develop torpedo batteries and charge/discharge units of these batteries by using long-lasting lithium-ion (Li-Ion) cells. Accordingly, multiple R&D intensive work packages will be realized and verified in a real-life environment. The studies aim to develop a form-fit lithium-ion (Li-Ion) torpedo battery system with national resources to replace (same size and weight) the Silver Oxide-Zinc (AgO-Zn) batteries used in training torpedoes without additional modifications. The project aims to eliminate foreign dependency, reduce the battery cost per launch, create a domestic and national design/production infrastructure for new generation national torpedo battery systems, and to eliminate different battery requirements for training and heavyweight torpedoes by providing a single common battery type.

Torpedo Studies and Turkey

The number of countries that can design, develop, and manufacture torpedoes can be counted on the fingers of both hands: The United States (USA), Germany, China, France, South Korea, India, UK, Sweden, Italy, Japan, and Russia. Several countries, including Turkey, are trying to enter this ‘elite’ group with their indigenous projects that they have started to develop domestic heavy and lightweight torpedo systems.

Turkey took its first step in the heavyweight torpedo field with the AKYA National Heavyweight Torpedo Development Program, which was signed on May 8, 2009, with several domestic companies’ participation under the coordination of the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) and the Main Contractor Roketsan. The first launch test of the 533mm AKYA HWT without the warhead and active/passive acoustic sonar sensor was carried out successfully in the Sea of Marmara on July 11, 2013, with the support of the Turkish Naval Research Center Command (TNRCC/ARMERKOM). Under the AKYA National Heavyweight Torpedo Program, Roketsan will develop the warhead and guidance system, Meteksan Defence will develop the sonar transducer arrays (sonar wet end), and Koç Information and Defence Technologies (KBS) will develop the Wake Sensors, Torpedo Test Range Underwater Detection and Positioning System, Acoustic Signal Generators, and the Underwater Acoustic Models (to verify the systems and software to be developed under the program).

The AKYA Phase-2 Project was signed between the SSB and Roketsan in July 2016 to industrialize the AKYA National HWT prototype (controlled test torpedo) and make it ready for serial production by developing its critical sub-systems in line with the capabilities of the sector companies. The last publicized launch test with the AKYA HWT, qualification process of which is still ongoing, was carried out on December 20, 2019. During the trial, the AKYA HWT was equipped with a live active/passive acoustic sonar for the first time and launched from a detailed 533mm torpedo tube replica installed to an underwater test platform at a depth of 40m with ‘swim out’ launch mode. During the International Store Certification Tests Symposium held on November 4, 2019, TÜBİTAK SAGE introduced a detailed replica of 533mm diameter torpedo tube, which is entirely similar to an authentic 533mm diameter torpedo tube and capable of firing both cruise missiles (ATMACA B1/B2 and GEZGİN), and heavyweight torpedoes (AKYA) from underwater.

Aside from the AKYA National Heavyweight Torpedo Program, development studies are also carried out on Lightweight Torpedoes in Turkey. Thanks to its infrastructure and experience from the Anti-Torpedo Torpedo (TORK) Project, which was initiated in 2014 with the support of TÜBİTAK TEYDEB 1501, Aselsan also started to develop a prototype Lightweight Torpedo that can be used against submarines and other underwater targets. Aselsan introduced the first mock-up of the National Lightweight Torpedo ORKA, which the company developed with its own resources, during IDEF ‘17 Fair.

Aselsan TORK is an anti-torpedo torpedo developed to destroy acoustic homing, wire-guided, non-wire guided, and wake homing torpedoes launched against surface ships and submarines. TORK can precisely locate the incoming torpedo threat with its sonar seeker. TORK moves towards the threat torpedo by measuring the distance from it and explodes at an appropriate range using advanced interception algorithms. According to Aselsan TORK has a diameter of <30cm, a length of <3m, and weighs <200kg.

The first performance tests carried out in the maritime environment with the passive acoustic seeker equipped TORK system were completed in early September 2018. Within the tests’ scope, TORK successfully identified the surface targets with its sonar seeker and moved towards the threats with its own guidance. Thus, the Development Process, which constitutes the first phase in the TORK Anti-Torpedo Torpedo Project with Hard Kill capability, was completed in the last quarter of 2018. In this context, the first guidance tests were carried out with TORK, and the Aselsan product passive seeker in the torpedo performed successfully. The second phase of the project aims to turn TORK into a Training Torpedo. In the meantime, localization studies on TORK continued and within this scope, for example, the Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) Battery (a special battery with 100 amps current draw capacity is designed), Phased Array Sonar, Dry-End & Wet-Ends, Control Surface Motors, and the electric propeller were localized. The previous COTS (Commercial off-the-shelf) type Li-Ion Battery of the TORK was replaced with a domestic Li-Ion battery produced by Aspilsan. The Li-Ion Battery and Battery Management System developed in cooperation with Aselsan-Aspilsan will be tested on TORK in the second phase. An active seeker will also be developed in the second phase. In the third phase of the project, TORK will be finalized and produced with the warhead and war battery. According to the current calendar, a test torpedo prototype with an active seeker and training warhead will be produced and prepared in the next three years. In the second phase of the project, the TORK’s diameter will be increased to the standard lightweight torpedo diameter of 32.4cm (324mm). Since the volume of TORK has grown, its body length will be shortened. Thus, TORK will be able to be launched from the Mk-32 lightweight torpedo launchers that are currently used onboard the warships. In the first phase, TORK is aimed to be used integrated with HIZIR Torpedo Countermeasure System (TCMS) to protect surface platforms against torpedo threats. In the future, the submarine-launched version of TORK will also be developed. Currently, the Seeker (Aselsan is also developing training Warhead), Battery (Aspilsan), Control Surface Motors of the Propulsion and Steering System at the tail section, and the propellers (Aselsan) used in the TORK are domestic products. TORK is electrically propelled. The propellers and the subsystems receive the power they need to operate from a Li-Ion Battery in the torpedo. The energy generated by the battery is distributed to the control surface motors and the main propellers via the Power Distribution System. TORK was designed to detonate at proximity of incoming hostile torpedoes and neutralize the threats with the pressure effect it creates. Therefore, TORK does not need to hit the hostile torpedo threat physically.

The working principle, dimensions, and subcomponents of the TORK System have similar characteristics to Light Torpedoes. Some of the most critical subsystems of TORK (engine, steering, guidance, and control systems) is designed to be used in the Lightweight Torpedo without any modification. The National Lightweight Torpedo, which is aimed to have similar capabilities to the Mk46 and Mk54 Lightweight Torpedoes in the Turkish Navy inventory, is developed to be launched from existing torpedo tubes on the naval warships, ASW Helicopters and Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA). According to Aselsan Torpedo and Torpedo Countermeasure Systems Road Map, dual configuration lightweight torpedo tube will be ready in 2022, TORK Training Version in 2023, Medium Class AUV & ORKA LWT in 2023-2025, TORK Live (Combat) Version in 2025, Miniature Torpedo in 2027, and the Smart Super-Cavity Torpedo will be available in 2030.

Head of Aselsan Naval Systems Group, Behçet KARATAŞ, who made a presentation titled ‘ASELSAN Combat System Solutions for Naval Platforms and the Vision’ at the 9th Naval Systems Seminar held on October 14-15, 2019 in Ankara, shared the following information about these projects: “We are planning to complete the Torpedo Tube development in 2022. The studies on low-frequency active sonar are already continuing with the SSB R&D Department, and we plan to complete it in 2023. We are planning to complete the development of TORK's Training Version by 2023. The Medium Class Autonomous Vehicle is also expected to be completed between 2023-2025. We also plan to introduce our own Lightweight Torpedo, which we call ORKA, before 2025. We continue our works on Submarine Towed-Array Sonar, combat version of TORK, Miniature Torpedo, and later Smart Super-Cavity Torpedoes...”

In the meantime, within the scope of the New Generation National Torpedo Technologies Development Studies, TÜBİTAK Defense and Security Technologies Research Grant Committee (SAVTAG) issued a wide-area call for Torpedo Batteries (T-BAT) in July 2019 under the 1007 Program. The scope of the call aims to develop torpedo batteries and charge/discharge units of these batteries by using long-lasting lithium-ion (Li-Ion) cells. Accordingly, multiple R&D intensive work packages will be realized and verified in a real-life environment. The studies aim to develop a form-fit lithium-ion (Li-Ion) torpedo battery system with national resources to replace (same size and weight) the Silver Oxide-Zinc (AgO-Zn) batteries used in training torpedoes without additional modifications. The project aims to eliminate foreign dependency, reduce the battery cost per launch, create a domestic and national design/production infrastructure for new generation national torpedo battery systems, and to eliminate different battery requirements for training and heavyweight torpedoes by providing a single common battery type.
يرجى إضافة اللغة العربية مستقبلاً
يرجى إضافة اللغة العربية مستقبلاً

الأخ تركي، أعتقد أنه لايعرف اللغة العربية، لذلك أرى أنه لامانع من إثراء بعض المواضيع باللغة الإنقليزية.
وشكرا لك أستاذ ذياب
الأخ تركي، أعتقد أنه لايعرف اللغة العربية، لذلك أرى أنه لامانع من إثراء بعض المواضيع باللغة الإنقليزية.
وشكرا لك أستاذ ذياب
اه لا معلومات لدي انه تركي اهلاً و سهلاً به " hoşgeldiniz " :laugh:
لماذا يتم توجيه الطوربيدات سلكيا ؟ الا يمكن ان يتم توجيهها لا سلكيا ؟
تم الإعلان بشكل رسمي عن مديات الطوربيدات akya و orka

مدي الطوربيد الثقيل akya +50km
مدي الطوربيد الخفيف orka +25km
السرعة لكليهما 45+ عقدة

بحسب المعلومات التي تم الحصول عليها من رئاسة الصناعة الدفاعية، فقد سلمت شركة Roketsan أول طوربيد AKYA إلى قيادة القوات البحرية التركية بغرض التدريب، ومن المتوقع أن تدخل النسخة القتالية لدى القوات البحرية في وقت قصير.

